Active Matter Workshop 2019
4回目となる今回は、基調講演の他に、「Active matter in chemistry」をテーマにした企画講演を予定しています。
The Active Matter Workshop 2019 will be held at Meiji University on Jan. 11 and 12, 2019.
The invited lectures consist of one plenary lecture and six focused lectures.
The topic of the focused lectures is "Active matter in chemistry".
There are also possibilities for short talks on active matter in general.
The deadlines for the registration and the submission of short talks are both Dec. 20, 2018.
See below for the details of registration and abstract submission.
The workshop is free to join, but the banquette in the evening on Jan. 11 will cost about 5000 JPY. (Students might get a reduction.)
All lectures will be given in English.
[日時] [開催地] [招待講演] [プログラム] [ショートトーク] [参加登録] [主催] [世話人] [問い合わせ] [過去の研究会]
2019年1月7日 | プログラムを更新しました。| The program is updated. |
2019年1月4日 | プログラムを更新しました。| The program is updated. |
2018年12月28日 | プログラムを公開しました。| The program is uploaded. |
2018年12月28日 | 発表申し込みは締め切りましたが、まだ会場に余裕があります。研究会に参加を希望する方はぜひ参加登録を行ってからお越しください。ただし、懇親会に参加をご希望の方は直接、世話人までお問い合わせください。
Those who want to attend the workshop but not yet finished the registration are kindly asked to resigter yourselves from registration as soon as possible. If you wish to attend the banquet, please contact the organisation committee. |
2018年10月22日 | 発表申し込み 受付中! (締切:2018年12月20日(木))
We are now accepting submittions for short talks! (Deadline: Dec. 20, 2018) |
2018年10月22日 | 参加登録 受付中! (締切:2018年12月20日(木))
Registration is open. (Deadline: Dec. 20, 2018) |
2018年10月22日 | 研究会HPを公開しました。| Workshop HP went public. |
日時 | Date
開催地 | Venue
明治大学 中野キャンパス 6階研究セミナー室3
Meiji University Nakano Campus 6F Seminar room 3
Follow the link for information on the venue.
http://www.meiji.ac.jp/koho/campus_guide/nakano/access.html (日本語) |
http://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/about/campus/nakano.html (English)
招待講演 | Invited lectures
~~ 基調講演 | Plenary lecture ~~
Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.) |
"Active matter modeling: swimming microorganisms / crawling and proliferating cells on substrate" |
~~ 企画講演 | Focused lectures on "Active matter in chemistry" ~~
Prof. Yusuke Hara (AIST) |
"Development of self-oscillating gel actuators for application to microfluidic devices and soft robots" |
Prof. Yasuhiro Ikezoe (Nippon Institute of Technology) |
"Study of motion of the object caused by various energy conversion processes in materials" |
Prof. Yoshiyuki Kageyama (Hokkaido Univ.) |
"Light-driven limit-cycle self-oscillation and autonomous swimming of azobenzene-assembly under photostationary state" |
Prof. Ben Nanzai (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology) |
"Physicochemical approach for reaction in spontaneous running droplet on glass substrate" |
Prof. Akihisa Shioi (Doshisha Univ.) |
"Design of chemical systems with semblance of life" |
Prof. Masahiro Takinoue (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
"Phase-separated DNA microdroplets controlled by base sequence information" |
プログラム | Program
See the PDF version of the program or the abstracts for the details of the short talks.
2019/1/11 Fri.
10:00 – 10:20 | Registration |
10:20 – 10:30 | Opening |
10:30 – 11:10 | Focused Lecrture Masahiro Takinoue (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Phase-separated DNA microdroplets controlled by base sequence information" |
11:10 – 11:50 | Focused Lecrture Yasuhiro Ikezoe (Nippon Institute of Technology) "Study of motion of the object caused by various energy conversion processes in materials" |
11:50 – 13:10 | (lunch) |
13:10 – 14:55 |
Short talks 1 |
14:55 – 15:20 | (break) |
15:20 – 16:00 | Plenary Lecrture Ryoichi Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.) "Active matter modeling: swimming microorganisms / crawling and proliferating cells on substrate" |
16:00 – 16:40 | Focused Lecrture Akihisa Shioi (Doshisha Univ.) "Design of chemical systems with semblance of life" |
* Special lecture entitled "How do we describe the dynamic performance of materials - A case study for cracking problems -" is given by Prof. Yasumasa Nishiura (Tohoku Univ.) from 17:10 to 18:50, after the first day of the workshop.
2019/1/12 Sat.
9:30 – 10:10 | Focused Lecrture Ben Nanzai (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology) "Physicochemical approach for reaction in spontaneous running droplet on glass substrate" |
10:10 – 10:30 | (break) |
10:30 – 11:30 | Short talks 3 |
11:30 – 13:00 | (lunch) |
13:00 – 14:30 | Short talks 4 |
14:30 – 14:50 | (break) |
14:50 – 15:30 | Focused Lecrture Yoshiyuki Kageyama (Hokkaido Univ.) "Light-driven limit-cycle self-oscillation and autonomous swimming of azobenzene-assembly under photostationary state" |
15:30 – 16:10 | Focused Lecrture Yusuke Hara (AIST) "Development of self-oscillating gel actuators for application to microfluidic devices and soft robots" |
16:10 – 16:20 | Closing |
ショートトーク | Short talks 【締め切り | deadline:2018/12/20(Thu)】
We accept abstracts for short presentations (approx. 15 min each).
If you wish to give a short presentation, first finish the registration by 2018/12/20 (Thu) from the registration page.
Then, submit the abstract by 2018/12/31 (Mon) via email to the organisers (active2019@googlegroups.com).
Find the template below and prepare a pdf file with your name in the file name as "abstract_FirstName_LastName.pdf".
If the number of submissions exceeds the number of slots for short presentations, the speakers will be selected based on the abstracts.
The short presentations may include talks given in Japanese, should a student get a presentation slot.
参加登録ページ | Registration page: | https://goo.gl/forms/7QiPxblhdPNQl7gg1 |
アブストラクト・テンプレート | abstract template: | abstract_FirstName_LastName.docx |
アブストラクト提出先(締め切り:2018年12月31日(月)) Submit the abstract by 2018/12/31 (Mon) to |
active2019@googlegroups.com |
参加登録 | Registration 【締め切り | deadline:2018/12/20 (Thu)】
To attend the work shop, finish the registration by 2018/12/20 (Thu) from the registration page.
参加登録ページ | Registration page: | https://goo.gl/forms/7QiPxblhdPNQl7gg1 |
主催 | Organiser
共同利用・共同研究拠点 明治大学先端数理科学インスティテュート(MIMS) 現象数理学拠点
MEXT Joint Usage/Research Center Meiji University "Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications" (CMMA)
世話人 | Organising committee
江端 宏之(九州大学) Hiroyuki Ebata (Kyushu Univ.)
北畑 裕之(千葉大学) Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
末松 J 信彦(明治大学) Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
多羅間充輔(京都大学) Mitsusuke Tarama (Kyoto Univ.)
山口 智彦(明治大学) Tomohiko Yamaguchi (Meiji Univ.)
問い合わせ | Contact
email: active2019@googlegroups.com
過去の研究会 | Archives
See below for the previous workshops.