The Active Matter Workshop 2018 will be held at FIFC Kyoto University on Jan. 19 and 20, 2018.
The invited lectures consist of two plenary lectures and five focused lectures.
The topic of the focused lectures are hydrodynamic effects.
There also are possibilities for short talks on active matter in general.
The deadline of the registration is Dec. 15, 2017 for those who want to give a short presentation.
The registration without presentation closes on Jan. 12, 2018.
See below for the details of the registration and abstract submission.
It is free to join the workshop, but the banquette in the evening on Jan. 19 will cost about 5000 JPY. (Students might get a reduction.)
All the lectures will be given in English.
[日時] [開催地] [招待講演] [プログラム] [ショートトーク] [参加登録] [世話人] [問い合わせ] [共催] [過去の研究会]
2018年1月18日 | プログラムを更新しました。| The program is updateed. |
2018年1月17日 | まだ会場に余裕があります。参加を希望する場合はぜひ参加登録を行ってからお越しください。| Those who want to attend the workshop but not yet finished the registration are kindly asked to resigter yourselves from registration as soon as possible. |
2018年1月17日 | プログラムを更新しました。| The program is updateed. |
2018年1月10日 | プログラムを公開しました。| The program is uploaded. |
2017年10月15日 | 研究会HPを公開しました。| Workshop HP is open. |
日時 | Date
開催地 | Venue
京都大学 福井謙一記念研究センター
Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto University
Follow the link for information of the venue.
http://www.fukui.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access_ja (日本語) |
http://www.fukui.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access_en (English)
招待講演 | Invited lectures
~~ 基調講演 | Plenary lectures ~~
Prof. Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.) |
"Self-Propelled Objects from Viewpoint of Nonlinear Science" |
Prof. Shin-ichiro M. Nomura (Tohoku Univ.) |
"Molecular Robotics: yet another artificial cell" |
~~ 企画講演:「流体力学効果」 | Focused lectures on "hydrodynamic effects" ~~
Prof. Takuji Ishikawa (Tohoku Univ.) |
"Near-field fluid mechanics alter behaviors of swimming microorganisms" |
Dr. Kenta Ishimoto (Kyoto Univ.) |
"A theoretical exploration of microswimmer hydrodynamics" |
Prof. Makoto Iima (Hiroshima Univ.) |
"Euglena gracilis as an active matter: statistical motion and collective behavior" |
Prof. Nariya Uchida (Tohoku Univ.) |
"Hydrodynamic effects in the collective motion of bacteria" |
Prof. Daisuke Mizuno (Kyushu Univ.) |
"Non-Gaussian limit fluctuations in active swimmer suspensions" |
プログラム | Program
2018/1/19 Fri.
9:00 – 9:15 | Registration |
9:15 – 9:20 | Opening |
9:20 – 10:00 | Plenary Lecrture Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.) "Self-Propelled Objects from Viewpoint of Nonlinear Science" |
10:00 – 10:10 | (short break) |
10:10 – 11:40 | Short talks 1 |
11:40 – 13:00 | (lunch) |
13:00 – 14:50 |
Short talks 2 |
14:50 – 15:10 | (coffee break) |
15:10 – 15:50 | Focused Lecrture Kenta Ishimoto (Kyoto Univ.) "Coarse-grained modelling of human sperm: towards the collective dynamics" |
15:50 – 16:30 | Focused Lecrture Daisuke Mizuno (Kyushu Univ.) "Non-Gaussian limit fluctuations in active swimmer suspensions" |
16:30 – 16:50 | (coffee break) |
17:00 – 18:15 |
Short talks 3 |
2018/1/20 Sat.
9:40 – 11:10 | Short talks 4 |
11:10 – 11:40 | (coffee break) |
11:40 – 12:20 | Plenary Lecrture Shin-ichiro M. Nomura (Tohoku Univ.) "Molecular Robotics: yet another artificial cell" |
12:20 – 13:00 | Focused Lecrture Makoto Iima (Hiroshima Univ.) "Euglena gracilis as an active matter: statistical motion and collective behavior" |
13:00 – 14:30 | (lunch) |
14:30 – 15:10 | Focused Lecrture Takuji Ishikawa (Tohoku Univ.) "Near-field fluid mechanics alter behaviors of swimming microorganisms" |
15:10 – 15:50 | Focused Lecrture Nariya Uchida (Tohoku Univ.) "Hydrodynamic effects in the collective motion of bacteria" |
15:50 – 16:00 | Closing |
ショートトーク | Short talks 【締め切り | deadline:2017/12/15(Fri)】
We accept abstracts for short presentations (approx. 15 min each).
If you wish to give a short presentation, first finish the registration by 2017/12/15 (Fri) from the registration page.
Then, submit the abstract by 2017/12/31 (Sun) via email to the organisers (active2018@googlegroups.com).
Find the template below and prepare a pdf file with your name in the file name as "abstract_(FirstName)_(LastName).pdf".
If the number of submissions exceeds the number of slots for short presentations, the presenters will be selected from the abstracts.
The short presentations may include talks given in Japanese should a student get a presentation slot.
参加登録ページ | Registration page: | https://goo.gl/forms/Ct2r5UaQY6V6CXZR2 |
アブストラクト・テンプレート | abstract template: | abstract_FisrtName_LastName.docx |
アブストラクト提出先(締め切り:2017年12月31日(日)) Submit the abstract by 2017/12/31 (Sun) to |
active2018@googlegroups.com |
参加登録 | Registration 【締め切り | deadline:2018/1/12 (Fri)】
To attend the work shop, finish the registration by 2018/1/12 (Fri) from the following registration page.
If you wish to give a presentation, the registration deadline is 2017/12/15 (Fri).
参加登録ページ | Registration page: | https://goo.gl/forms/Ct2r5UaQY6V6CXZR2 |
世話人 | Organisation committee
江端 宏之(九州大学) Hiroyuki Ebata (Kyushu Univ.)
北畑 裕之(千葉大学) Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
多羅間充輔(京都大学) Mitsusuke Tarama (Kyoto Univ.)
山本 量一(京都大学) Ryoichi Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
問い合わせ | Contact
email: active2018@googlegroups.com
共催 | Sponsor
This workshop is supported by Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure: Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems.
過去の研究会 | Archives
See below for the previous workshops.